Thursday, June 18, 2009

Windows 7 - 6 Edition Which one fits you

Windows 7 Starter: Great for netbooks and older systems that will never act as a DVR and don't need to join an Active Directory domain. It's a bummer that it lacks Aero and Touch, but what do you expect for something that tacks on a paltry $15 to the price of the hardware. Your netbook probably won't have a touch-screen or decent graphics chip anyway.

Windows 7 Basic: For "emerging markets" which means you'll only see it on an internet café computer somewhere in old world.

Windows 7 Home Premium: This edition of Windows has existed for years, but used to be called Media Center Edition (MCE) in the XP days. This is what to use if you want to be able to hook your computer up to your TV to use as a DVR and media hub. Virtually all home computers and non-business laptops will run this.

Windows 7 Professional: Basically the same as Home Premium, but adds Active Directory domain membership support. This is the edition that will come with most office computers.

Windows 7 Enterprise: It doesn't matter what this has because you'll never see it unless you're given a computer from a large corporation. (It adds booting from a virtual drive and BitLocker encryption to the Business edition.)

Windows 7 Ultimate: This is for the person who also bought an "Extreme Edition" CPU and cannot stand the thought that somehow, someone out there might have something better than him. Microsoft deserves the opportunity to milk all the money they can from this kind of user

Tuesday, June 16, 2009

How to move mailboxes across Forest using Exchange 2007 cmdlet

$SourceCredential = Get-Credential
$TargetCredential = Get-Credential

Here is the cmdlet to move all mailboxes on NYBNCEM-1\Mailbox store 2:


get-mailbox –Database "\First Storage Group\Mailbox Store 2 (NYBNCEM-1)" -Credential $SourceCredential -DomainController | Move-Mailbox -TargetDatabase "NYXSRV-10\BINC - DB1\BINC - DB1" -GlobalCatalog -SourceForestGlobalCatalog -NTAccountOU "OU=NY,OU=Binc,DC=us,Dc=mydesdomain,DC=com" -SourceForestCredential $SourceCredential -TargetForestCredential $TargetCredential

Wednesday, June 10, 2009

Using Exchange Server 2010 e-discovery (Multi-mailbox search)

Exchange Server 2010 has lots of new features and using the new permission model RBAC (Role Based Access Control) we can assing a regular user to do legal search on the users' mailboxes. In this post I'm going over this process in the Exchange Server 2010 Beta, our scenario is that we want to use a Mail Enabled Security Group called Legal Group and all users that belong to this group will have the ability to do a search in our Exchange Organization.

Okay, our user responsible to do the legal search is called Auditor, and we need to add him into our Legal Group that we have just created. As soon as we have these steps done, we can assign the DiscoveryManagement role to that group using the following cmdlet:

[PS] C:\>New-ManagementRoleAssignment -Name "auditor" -Role DiscoveryManagement
-User 'Legal Group'
Name Role User Enabled
---- ---- ---- -------
auditor DiscoveryMana... True

[PS] C:\>

Now, the Auditor user can use IE browsers and type:


and in the dropdown list (Select what to manage) make sure that My Organization is selected and you you will see on the left site the item Reporting ...

Friday, June 5, 2009

Cannot start Microsoft Exchange RPC Client Access service - Exchange 2010 Beta


If you have installed both Client Access Server (CAS) role and Mailbox role (Exchange 2010 beta) at same server, Microaoft Exchange RPC Client Access service cannot be started. Therefore Outlook mapi clients (Outlook) won't be able to access their mailboxes unless you enable Outlook anywahere (http over RPC when you configure your Outlook Clients)


For Exchange 2010, Microsoft instroduces Microsoft Exchange RPC Client Access service on CAS server role to respond Mapi clients, such as Outlook's requests to access mailboxes on Exchange 2010 server. The issue will be fixed in Exchange 2010 later build.


You may copy and paste the following txt to textpad and save it as *.reg file to fix the issue:


Windows Registry Editor Version 5.00

"Mapi Rpc Endpoint Registration"=dword:00000002


Tuesday, June 2, 2009

User cannot open or edit Outlook Distribution List using Outlook on an Exchange mailbox


Outlook user cannot open or edit Outlook Distribution List (DL) using Outlook on an Exchange mailbox or user receives a "This distribution list has reached the maximum size for your network e-mail server" error message when you try to open or add many items to a contact distribution list in Outlook


Use Outlook Web Access to open the problematic DL and trim the members of the DL


This is a limitation of distribution lists that are created and stored in a Microsoft Exchange Server mailbox store. There is no definite limit to the number of contacts that you can add to a distribution list. The exact limit is based on the total file size of the contacts.

If you use only the very basic information for contacts, your distribution list limit may be as many as 125 contacts to 130 contacts. For example, the information for the contacts in a list of this size may include only the name and the e-mail address for each contact. You can create very large distribution lists that contain over a 1,000 contacts. However, these very large lists may not function as expected in Outlook.

For best results, the typical number of contacts that you should add to a distribution list is between 50 contacts and 70 contacts. However, if the contacts contain lots of information, the distribution list limit should be as small as 25 contacts.

Additionally, the distribution list limit is based on the property size limit of the computer that is running Exchange Server. The property size limit for an Exchange server is about 8 kilobytes (KB). The Exchange server stores all contact links in one property store. Therefore, the distribution list limit also depends on the average length of the contact's name and the average size of the entry ID. The size of the entry ID depends on the type of e-mail address and the length of the message.

Once a large DL created and near the limit, then you modified members of the DLs in your contact list that could potentially increased the size of the DL and over the limit then you are not able to open or edit the DL.

Monday, June 1, 2009

How to use OSQL osql command-line tool to backup and restore MSDE Database - How to bring Standby BES server online

Issue: Production BES 4.1 SP6 server failed.

Solution: Fortunately we have a standby BES 4.1 SP6 running.we used the osql command-line tool to backup Production BES MSDE database with Windows scheduler every 30 minutes and xcopy the BESMGMT Database to multiple servers and we were able to bring the standby BES online within minutes with no interactive response from BB client end.

You can use the osql command-line tool to access, query, or run scripts against, your SQL Server or MSDE database. For example, to backup your ENT Server databases you could run the following from the command line:

osql -S BES01 -E -Q " BACKUP DATABASE BESMGMT TO DISK = 'C:\Temp\BES01-BESMGMT.bak' with init"

  • -S BES01 specifies the server name to be "BES01" For a database on the local machine, specify either "(local)", or "(local)\[InstanceName]" if you are using a named instance.
  • -E specifies that osql should use a trusted connection. You could instead specify a username using the -U option.
  • -Q specifies that oSQL should execute the SQL query that follows in double-quotes and then exit
  • BACKUP DATABASE BESMGMT TO DISK = 'c:\Temp\' this is the actual query that will get exexuted... as you can see this simply backs up the BESMGMT database to the file C:\Temp\BES01-BESMGMT.bak.
  • "with init" to tell osql backup to overwrite the existing backup file to save your disk space.

Similary, to restore the above backup you could run the following from the command line on Standby BES server:


After you successully restore your MSDE database, Disconnect your old Production server network cable, and start your all BES related services on your Standby BES server. Please see RIM doucumentation on how to setup BES 4.X standby BES.

Note: with BES 5.0, RIM has HA solution for BES.