Wednesday, July 29, 2009

How to wirelessly delete calendar data on a BlackBerry smartphone

How to wirelessly delete calendar data on a BlackBerry smartphone
Warning: The following procedures will delete all calendar data on the BlackBerry smartphone. Back up the data prior to performing the procedure. For instructions, see KB12487.
Complete the steps for the version of BlackBerry Device Software installed on your BlackBerry smartphone.
BlackBerry Device Software 4.2.x
On the BlackBerry smartphone, complete the following steps:
Display the menu in the Calendar application, then select Options.
Scroll to the bottom of the screen, and type RSET.
Note: For BlackBerry smartphones that support SureType® technology, use the multi-tap input method.
BlackBerry Device Software 4.3.x
On the BlackBerry smartphone, complete the following steps:
Display the menu in the Calendar application, then select Options.
In the Options screen, type RSET.
Note: For BlackBerry smartphones that support SureType technology, use the multi-tap input method.

Additional Information
Wireless calendar synchronization process
If wireless synchronization of the calendar is turned on, the following message will appear:
This will erase your <nameofcalendar> calendar, and reload it from your server. Continue?
After the calendar data has been deleted, the following message will appear:
The <nameofcalendar> calendar has been wiped. It will be repopulated from your server.
The calendar will be repopulated with calendar data from the server.
Wireless calendar synchronization is turned off
If wireless synchronization of the calendar is turned off, the following message will appear:
Wireless Calendar, for <nameofcalendar>, is not enabled. Wipe Calendar anyway?
After the calendar data has been deleted, the following message will appear:
The <nameofcalendar> calendar has been wiped.
The calendar will be repopulated with calendar data using BlackBerry Desktop Manager.

Re-population of calendar
During re-population of the calendar, the following message may appear on the BlackBerry smartphone:
Organizing Calendar
The performance of the BlackBerry smartphone may be affected during the re-population of the calendar. The speed of re-population depends on the amount of data transmitted and the speed of the wireless network.

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