After migrating your Exchange server (I've seen this in transition from Exchange 2003 to Exchange 2007 and from Exchange 2007 to 2010) the PublicFolderDatabase for your OfflineAddressBook is still pointing to the old servers public folder store.
When you run the get-OfflineAddressBook | fl command or Get-OfflineAddressbook | FL Server, *public* |FL in an exchange management shell on your new server, you get a result like this:
At Server you see the new servername and the PublicFolderDatabase is still pointing to your old server. Public folder replica's and offline address book generation server are already moved to the new server.
Solutions: I found if you do the following steps you can change the PublicFolderDatabase.
1. Start adsiedit and browse to CN=Configuration, CN=Services, CN=Microsoft Exchange, CN=First Organization, CN=Address Lists Container, CN=Offline Address Lists and open the properties of CN=Default Offline Address List Look for the siteFolderServer attribute, here you will see the old public folder store.
2. Choose clear and close with ok, now you may close adsiedit.
3. Go to the exchange management console, Organization Configuration, Mailbox, Offline Address Book open the properties of the Default Offline Address List and go to the tab distribution. Uncheck "Outlook version 2 and 3″ at client support and "Enable public folder distribution". Make sure "Web-based distribution" is enabled. Choose apply and ok, then right click on Default Offline Address List and choose update.
4. Go back to properties and distribution and recheck "Outlook client support version 2 and 3″ and "Enable public folder distibution". Again choose apply and ok and right click and choose update. When you go back to the exchange management shell and repeat Get-OfflineAddressbook | FL Server, *public* |FL now you now will see the PublicFolderDatabase is pointing to your new public folder server now.
if you see warning for waiting for next maintenance Windows..., you had better to dismount and remount your old public folder Database